Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where can wanderlust take you today?

Some say that life is a journey - that in every road there is a decision point, and in every fork, a path of less resistance. I say that life is an adventure with a well defined start and end point... but we all get a little lost along the way.

Who am I? I am a directionally challenged twenty-two year old with little life experience and big expectations. I'll admit to having a two-fold purpose behind this blog. First, I hope to share my experiences and my wanderings to those of you who may follow in my footsteps. Second, I'm trying to convince my technologically-challenged family to keep in touch with both myself and the twenty-first century. We'll see what comes of this project.

In either case, I hope you enjoy taking a stroll into my tangled webs of thought - and please, take the time to leave me comments or suggestions.

Without further adieu - Chapter One.

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